Summit 2015-12 Notes - Memory Hole
Memory Hole spec and documentation: Workshop at 2nd OpenPGP Email Summit, Dec 2015 run by dkg
Overview / StatusPermalink
Workshop NotesPermalink
Parts of toipc to regard: UI, Generation, Interpreting
- memhole headers have to be first mime part within email/protected area.
- protected email = memory hole signed/encrypted email ??? first memhole headers found within protected part of email should bubble out and be displayed to the user.
- Memhole for signed message easiest to accomplish, presentation available already in every mua
- Select headers to protect when signing:
- From
- To, CC
- Date
- Reply-To
- Message-ID
- References, In-Reply-To
- memoryhole header line, including memhole version
- include flag if first existing rfc822 part inside protected area should be interpreted as force-display header
- Order to interpret each line has protection info, starts with 0 exclude content-type! just from top level how to resolve differences
- show that headers are memhole headers somehow
- show memhole headers accordingly to mua style of showing (non) tampered signatures/emails
- when receiving emails with signed and unsigned parts, user should be able to show unsigned/”weird” parts of email. by default only display signed parts
- memhole is designed to ensure that the mime body of email is signed! (or at least some specific parts are signed)
- if memhole message protected only display protected/signed header lines.
- display in mua if (un)signed (=(un)protected) email is not memhole protected!
- strikeout
- prefix text
- click-to-display
- color/background
- frames
- fonts (italics/bold)
- icons
- including protected headers in encrypted part preempts splicing attack (combining headers from mail a and encrypted mail b)
- Choose by yourself which headers to force-display and which are stripable when encrypting:
- From
- To, CC
- Date
- Reply-To
- Message-ID
- References, In-Reply-To
- memoryhole header line, including memhole version
- memhole headers may only appaer in the first protected mime part or in the force-display section (text/rfc-822headers part)
- how to communicate unencrypted headers (metadata) to the user?
Open questionsPermalink
- include/protect conten-description in signed emails?
- email manifest/separate headers? -> discussion about manifests should be started/continued within mailing list
- how do i detect stubbing securely?
- non-stripped-encryption-protected-headers: how to display?